Getting Heart Healthy This Month

Are You Heart Healthy In February? 

Heart health February - blog by O2 Living makers of Living Juice and Living hemp extract productsFebruary is American Heart Month and at O2 Living we understand the importance of taking care of not only your heart, but your entire body as well. Cardiovascular diseases are the number one killer in the United States and these numbers are continuing to grow. 

The best way to prevent heart disease is to start early. Researchers have found that health and behaviors during adolescence can have a role in the development of heart diseases. Not only is living a health conscious lifestyle important, it is also imperative to educate yourself and those around you about risks and prevention. 

Starting at a young age, we must become educated on the types of foods and fitness activities we partake in (this means long term, too). Modifying risk factors will help in the fight against cardiovascular diseases. 

Focus on Prevention

Paying close attention to your diet is a great way to start. Know your body and the types of foods it can handle and familiarize yourself with the vitamins and nutrients we need. For example, the Vitamin B family, which includes folic acid, is a great group of vitamins responsible for keeping the body's nerve and blood cells healthy. Other prominent heart healthy vitamins include C and E, as these contain antioxidants to support in heart disease prevention. 

Organic, cold-pressed Living Juice fruit and vegetable juices by O2 LivingTaking care of your body with proper diet and exercise can help push out toxins and store proper nutrients our bodies need. This is the first step towards a healthy heart and it’s not too late to start! If you're interested in adding more fruits and vegetables into your diet, why not try O2 Living's organic, cold-pressed Living Juices! These cold-pressed juices are packed with vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables and are available on and on Amazon

O2 Living hemp extract full spectrum CBD muscle mist for muscle soreness Maintaining an active lifestyle and having healthy methods to manage stress can also help prevent heart disease. O2 Living's CBD/ hemp extract oil products can help with both of these! CBD/hemp extract is known for its anti-inflammatory and stress-relieving properties. To learn more about these properties, read about Living Hemp Extract Muscle Mist here and Living Hemp Extract Oil here!  

What have you done to be heart healthy this month? How are you preventing cardiovascular diseases? 


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