A CBG tincture is a liquid dietary supplement with a relatively potent cannabidiol content. The tincture is created by steeping hemp flowers, rich in CBG, in high-proof grain alcohol. To finish, the liquid is cooked over low heat for multiple hours. Alternatively it can be steeped in vinegar or glycerin but alcohol really does produce the most effective and potent tincture in the end. In all, the process itself is quite simple (albeit time consuming).
The finished liquid can be mixed with a variety of fragrant oils. Those found in orange peels, lavender, or even mint can be used - like in O2 Living's own CBG Drops. The extract can be bitter on its own, so the flavors just serve to make it more enjoyable.
The fully complete product is potent. It has a very high CBG content but no more than 0.3% THC (Tetrahydrocannabidiol). O2 Living guarantees that our CBD products never contain anything close to a psychoactive amount of THC. So when shopping, remember that a CBD tincture is not a cannabis tincture, which has all the cannabinoids including THC. Essentially, cannabis tinctures will get you high, but CBD oils will not.