Mental Health in May: Brain Boosting Recipes for Summer

This past May, we featured blogs around mental health issues, awareness and education. We've compiled all of our O2 Living recipes that feature nutrients and vitamins for promoting healthy brain functioning and mental health. We hope you enjoy these delicious, healthy, vegan and organic recipes! 

Folate for Mental Health: 

O2 Living recipe - folate rich kale and spinach smoothie with Living Juice's organic Green VitalityThis week, we're combining some of our favorite O2 Living recipes that feature fruits and veggies dense in vitamins and nutrients crucial to our mental health. This week our spinach, kale and berry smoothie is dense in folate (folic acid and vitamin B9). Studies have shown the increased intake of folate is associated with a lower risk of depression! Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale, fruits, nuts, beans and whole grains have high amounts of folate, or folic acid.


1 cup organic spinach 

12 ounces Living Juice, Green Vitality 

1/2 organic banana, frozen if you like! 

1/2 cup of organic strawberries


Combine spinach, banana, and strawberries in blender. Add in Living Juice's Green Vitality. Blend and enjoy! If you prefer a colder smoothie, you can freeze the banana or add ice when you blend! 

Omega-3 for Mental Health:

Omega-3 rich edamame - O2 Living recipe by makers of organic cold-pressed Living Juice for mental health month Some studies suggest that omega-3s may be helpful in the treatment of depression and seem to have a mood-stabilizing effect. Omega-3 essential fatty acids may also help boost the effectiveness of conventional antidepressants and help young people with ADHD. Edamame are rich in omega-3! This vegan recipe will help give you an omega-3 boost! 


4 cups organic edamame (frozen or raw) 

3 cloves organic garlic 

1-2 tbsp olive oil 

Sea salt 

Chili powder (if you like spice!) 


1. If you are cooking raw edamame, bring a large pot of water to boil. Add the edamame and bring the water back to a boil. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes, or until the edamame is green. Drain and dry off. If you're cooking frozen edamame, follow the instructions on the frozen bag with microwave times. 

2. In a pan, heat olive oil and add smashed garlic. Add the cooked edamame and brown lightly. 

3. In a bowl, toss the edamame with sea salt and chili powder if you'd like some extra heat! Enjoy! 

Vitamin Bs for Mental Health: 

O2 Living recipe - organic kale and arugula salad by makers of organic, cold-pressed fruit and vegetable Living Juice Folate and folic acid are part of the B vitamin family, and research has shown that people with a diet rich in folate are less likely to develop depression. Folate can be found in leafy green vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. O2 Living's kale, arugula, quinoa and fennel salad packs a triple punch of folate! This delicious, light and perfect for summer salad makes for a great side or full meal. We like to pair it with Living Juice's organic, cold-pressed Red Radiance to mix the bitter greens with sweet fruits and veggies! 


2 cups organic, shredded kale 

2 cups organic arugula 

2 cups cooked quinoa, cooled

1 bulb of fennel, cleaned and diced in 1/4 in cubes 

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 

Juice and zest of one organic lemon 

2 organic garlic cloves, minced 


1.  Mix together kale and arugula in a bowl. Massage both with olive oil. 

2. Mix in quinoa, fennel and garlic cloves with the greens. 

3. Add in lemon juice and zest. Stir and serve with Living Juice's organic, cold-pressed Red Radiance

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